
Part one: How to save money on your boiler and heating bills

Receiving the monthly heating bills is a thing of dread for many householders, especially during the cold winter months. This is when the central heating is turned on around the clock, resulting in higher costs. However, there are a number of measures we believe are worth considering. Many of them can help to reduce the amount of energy needed to keep your house warm.

Let’s now take a look at the main methods for maintaining a warm home without it costing an arm and a leg:

Boiler Efficiency

If you have an old boiler installed for heating and hot water purposes, the unit could be running inefficiently. This will cost you more than necessary due to increased energy usage. Old models require more fuel to perform their heating and hot water tasks. Therefore, investing in a boiler with an energy efficiency rating of 90% or more will save you money in the long term.

Boilers become gradually less efficient overtime, especially when they aren’t serviced regularly. Replacing a worn out model will cost but the energy savings are worth the initial investment. There’s also the improved reliability.


Improving the insulation of your property will improve its heat retention capabilities. As a result, your boiler won’t have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable heat.

Wall, roof, and loft insulation are key to keeping a warm home and reducing your energy bills. However, floor insulation is also available for those who want to go the extra mile.

Landlords in particular should be aware of new regulations coming into force in April 2018. They state that private properties must achieve an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of more than F. The EPC covers the issue of boiler efficiency ratings and the efficiency of a building’s insulation.

Double Glazing

Double glazed, or indeed triple glazed windows, act as great heat retainers. The two (or three) layers of glass help to prevent heat from escaping through the windows. They help to maintain the temperature of your property.

Property owners with single glazing should consider making the investment. The extra heat retention protection will reduce energy consumption and the bills.

If you would like free boiler and heating advice, please call us on 0800 311 8990 or complete our no-obligation quote form for a speedy reply from a local engineer.