
What are boiler grant schemes and who do they benefit?

The Government funded boiler grant is available to anyone looking to replace an oil, rusty appliance. With it you can upgrade to a new, efficient model. Consequently, they will enjoy lower energy consumption and bills.

What is a boiler grant?

The government’s ECO (Energy Company Obligation) 2017 scheme states that certain individuals are entitled to a free or heavily subsidised boiler replacement. The European Union has set many targets for its member nations to reduce the carbon footprint of domestic properties. As a result, the Government wants to encourage the replacement of old, gas-guzzling boilers.

The six big energy providers in the UK are obliged to fund the replacement of outdated boilers for anyone who meets the criteria. As part of the Government’s Affordable Warmth Obligation, certain householders can also receive funding for insulation improvements.

The property’s current energy efficiency will determine the amount of funding an eligible person receives. Therefore, a registered professional must assess the energy efficiency. The grant can cover the cost of the new boiler installation in some cases. Due to higher costs, some people may need to contribute their own money.


Who is eligible for a boiler grant?

Homeowners can apply for the grant. Tenants may also benefit but must have the landlord’s permission to perform the replacement work.

Additionally, you must be currently receiving one of the following benefits (as taken from www.gov.uk):

If you would like free boiler and heating advice, including boiler replacement advice, please call us on 0800 311 8990 or complete our no-obligation quote form for a speedy reply from a local engineer.