
What you should remember during Gas Safety Week

Gas Safety Week is upon us (17th – 23rd September). In light of this, people should remember the aims behind it. The main one is for all gas consumers to make sure they have an annual service by an engineer on the gas safe register. This is the best way to make sure that their appliances are safe and sound.

The Dangers

An unsafe gas appliance can cause serious problems such as fires, leaks, carbon monoxide poisoning and even explosions. When you fail to have someone look at it, these risks increase. Another consideration to make is whether the person in question inspecting your appliance is on the Gas Safe register. This is not only a legal requirement if you are a landlord, but also essential for safety reasons. You can then be certain of the quality standards you will receive from their work.


According to the chief executive of the Gas Safe Register, their investigations have shown how one in six gas appliances in the UK are unsafe. Most incidents can be prevented through simple measures. It is important to:

A Service

Regardless of the condition you think your boiler and central heating is in, have someone check it every year. It is common sense and you should never overlook it. This gives you peace of mind on the safety. In addition you will have a more efficient boiler that you can depend on year round to give you what you need.

You don’t have to wait until Gas Safety Week; arrange the service at the right time for you. An important thing to keep in mind is that people start turning their heating on more often in autumn and winter because the weather is cooler. As a result engineers find themselves with more work as people get surprised that their appliances aren’t working. If you want to avoid this busy time of year, schedule the servicing earlier.

When you reach out to Warm, we only put you in contact with Gas Safe professionals. When you need help with central heating and boiler work you can give us a call. We make finding help in your area simple and stress-free.