
How it can actually be a good thing to turn your heating on in summer

We have had some sudden temperature changes lately. Being told to turn your heating on while in the middle of a hot month can sound strange, but doing it can actually make sure the boiler continues to run properly.

Keep your boiler running

The rates for boiler emergency callouts rise drastically when the weather is cold. This is understandable because it is when people turn their heating right up and can discover that there is an issue.

Heating and hot water emergencies in winter can be because of a number of reasons, most commonly frozen pipes. However, failing to maintain your boiler when the weather is warmer can increase the chance of a breakdown.


A lot of people will switch their boiler off when there is a warm spell and crank it up when it gets colder. Unfortunately, this can be bad for your system because it puts pressure on its components. This increases the likelihood of a problem.

You should turn your heating on at least once a month even if it is warm. Leave it on for a couple of minutes so that you can check it is working. Also take the time to make sure the radiators heat up correctly. This saves you from problems and unexpected costs when you try and turn it on later in the year.

When it does get cold again, around early autumn, bleed your radiators. This helps avoid air becoming trapped in your central heating system. You should also slowly increase the heat temperature so that you ease your boiler back into heating the home.

Look after your boiler

As well as switching your heating on from time to time, you should get regular boiler servicing. You can then have peace of mind knowing that the machine is in full working order for when you do need it.

Warm can assist you with your boiler and central heating needs. To receive quotes for first class Gas Safe engineers in your area, reach out to us.