
Avoid a New Year disaster by looking after your systems

When the winter weather comes, it gets cold. Your boiler and central heating systems experience extra stress during this time. They do a lot of work to keep you warm and comfortable. People also neglect maintenance tasks such as preparing for this weather. As a result, the New Year is one of the hardest periods for boilers. Do yourself a favour and prepare your boiler for New Year.

This Christmas has been warmer than usual. Because of this fact, engineers and plumbers are predicting that the New Year will be a busy one. It doesn’t help that there are also weather forecasts predicting snow on its way. This will make things even more difficult for a lot of people.

British Gas is more than familiar with the number of people in need of work during the first 2 weeks of the year. They estimate that their engineers will be called out on 133,479 occasions to attend to issues with hot water and heating systems. Another prediction is that today, January 2nd, they will have 13,376 callouts.

This period can be stressful so don’t set yourself up to deal with the inconvenience of a breakdown. Taking precautions is worthwhile when you consider what you would go through to get a fix for your disastrous situation.

When Is The Service Due?

When winter is on its way you need to prepare before the cold arrives. Protecting your boiler doesn’t take much and will allow you to rely on your heating system when you need it most. Servicing will help your boiler run more efficiently and will inform you of issues in the making. If there are issues, you can seek out quality repair services.

Don’t Waste Heat

Furnishings and items blocking radiators will take all the heat and stop it from getting to the rest of your house. A common example is when people do this with sofas. It will be a great place to get cosy. Although, the rest of the room and home won’t be. You can also use curtains to keep draughty windows from making the room cold.

Radiator Bleeding

This isn’t complicated and will keep your house efficiently heated. Air can build up in the system when you haven’t had it on for a long time. When you bleed radiators, they will heat up as they should do.

Get Help From Warm

Too many people put off getting essential work for their boiler and central heating. This is especially true in the lead up to New Year. It doesn’t have to be a complicated process though, so give us a call. Allow us to help you prepare your boiler for New Year.