Annual service or a one off Gas Boiler Servicing?
Warm Boiler Service – Safe, Friendly & Accredited

We provide outstanding Gas Boiler Servicing throughout the UK

Have you ever skipped your annual gas boiler service because your boiler seems to be running just fine? If you know the answer is yes, you’re not on your own. Plenty of people do this purely because it seems to be something you can miss out on without any real concern.

An important step

An annual boiler service is more than just a pretty good idea though. It is actually essential and means you could get more out of your appliance for longer, so do you now need one? A minor issue can turn into a major one without a gas boiler service. The idea of the servicing is it takes a close look at the appliance to see how it is ageing. It is easier to do this with regular checks because you can compare the condition to what it was like during the last check. That can show the change over time and means you can track things like wear and tear. Servicing can keep it running efficiently for longer.


Hidden issues

Another thing to keep in mind is that some issues with boilers can crop up without actually preventing the appliance from being used. What this means is that you could happily use it day in, day out without realising anything is wrong.

Gas Boiler need a Service?

Just because you cannot see the issue, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. A small problem could end up turning into a major one if it isn’t spotted early enough. After all you are leaving it to worsen and not doing anything about it, even if this is just because you do not know it is there. So you could go from thinking everything is absolutely fine to having no heating or hot water.

Regular gas boiler services can help identify minor issues so they can be dealt with before they turn into something more expensive. You should be able to see that investing in a service is a much better option than having to pay to replace the whole boiler, especially when this always seems to happen at the worst time possible.

Ensuring it is running efficiently with a gas boiler service

Heating costs can be expensive. Furthermore, if you are on a meter you’ll be charged for all the water you use. Waiting ages for the water to heat up for a running tap could add up over time too.

Consistent annual boiler servicing will help make sure your boiler is running to its best ability. It will ensure you can get the most from your appliance, and that could mean cheaper running costs. Even a one-off gas boiler service will help.

As you can see, your annual boiler service could be a good investment rather than an unnecessary expense. You can click here for an online calculator where we will ask you a couple of questions about your property and boiler. Alternatively, call us today on 0800 118 2311 to determine just how soon we could be there to service your gas boiler.

Safety first

annual gas boiler servicingNo doubt you’ve heard of carbon monoxide. It’s known as a silent killer, purely because you cannot detect it is in a room. Because of this, everyone with a boiler that burns any kind of fuel should have a carbon monoxide alarm. Our engineers will provide advice on where to get one of these.

Part of the Boiler Servicing process includes a gas safety check to determine the current level of emissions is below a safe limit. This gives you the peace of mind of not unknowingly being at any risk of inhaling any carbon monoxide fumes.

Of course, our Gas Safe engineers will also work through a series of other checks and tests. This will ensure your boiler is working fine. If anything is amiss, they can provide a quote for replacement parts. And remember, replacing a minor part can mean you avoid an expensive repair bill if something major should end up going wrong later.

Use a Gas Safe registered engineer

When it comes to gas appliances, you need to make sure all work done is safe and high quality. Luckily the Gas Safe Register is here to help. The aim of this body is to protect people across the UK from potentially dangerous work. Engineers on the register undergo regular inspections to ensure they are doing a good job.

At Warm, we work closely with Gas Safe approved engineers so that you can have confidence that you are working with the very best for your needs. Your appliance and property will be in the best of hands. Then, before you know it you will have a boiler that works really well in your property.

When to arrange a Boiler Service?

It can be difficult to decide when it is the right time to get boiler servicing. Some people will wait until they notice a problem. However, by then it may have become something more costly to repair. It is better to organise servicing around the same time every year, even if you think everything is fine.

Central Heating Sometimes people put off the boiler service when their appliance is only a few years old. The thinking here is it must be too new for anything to happen. Sadly, that is not the case. While older models will naturally show more wear, problems can easily happen with brand new models. For example, there may have been an issue during installation. There may even be a manufacturer’s fault that the installer did not notice. So, for safety, peace of mind, and to ensure the boiler will last as long as possible, it is a good idea to get servicing even on a new boiler.

Another misconception people may have is that they don’t need to service their boiler because they haven’t been using it as much. However, a period of not using the appliance followed by one where you are relying on it more frequently can be very bad for it. This tends to happen every year in late autumn and early winter. As a result it tends to be busiest period for gas boiler engineers.

The best thing to do is choose a time of year to get a boiler service and stick to it, getting a new one every 12 months. We recommend arranging annul boiler servicing either for spring or autumn. The first is a good idea following a busy winter. After summer can work too, ensuring you are ready for when you will need your heating more.

Arrange a gas boiler service today

So call today on 0800 311 8990 and make sure you book your annual or one off boiler service at your convenience. We work with engineers who have a range of days and appointment slots available, ensuring you can arrange your service at a time that suits you.