One Off Boiler Service, keep your boiler efficient

Welcome to, the easiest place to find and compare One Off Boiler Service quotes. Click here for our online calculator and we’ll ask you a few simple questions about your property and boiler. Or, if you prefer to speak direct to local gas engineers, use the “Get 3 FREE Quotes” form to the right. We will match your requirements with our trusted & accredited Gas Safe engineers. We aim to get you 3 FREE no-obligation quotes the very same day.

Want to make sure that your appliance is working safely and efficiently but don’t want to sign up for an ongoing service and maintenance plan? That’s not a problem; you don’t have to be a regular customer of ours to sign up for a one off boiler service.

When to get your first service

If you’ve just had a new boiler fitted or replaced, you might not have considered when it needs servicing. But just like a car, your boiler need regular maintenance to make sure everything is running as smoothly and safely as possible.

You should arrange a boiler service 12 months after it is first installed, and every year after this. It is important to keep up with this schedule even if you think there is nothing wrong with your boiler as there could be hidden problems.

Preventative maintenance

boiler spring cleaning

Getting it serviced isn’t just a way to fix a problem but it is also the best way to ensure that there will be no problems with your boiler. It’s also crucial for preventing serious issues from arising in the future by looking after and maintaining your new boiler. After all if you can reduce the chance of your heating cutting out and having to call in an engineer to repair it unexpectedly, who wouldn’t want to do that?

Your boilers performance and efficiency could drop over the years, however by having the appliance serviced regularly and replacing worn out parts, it could stay as good as new for longer. This means that you can heat your home for less.

Don’t waste that warranty

Most boilers come with a long warranty as standard. Some boiler providers may offer up to 10 years’ warranty. However, in order for this warranty to stay valid for that period of time, your boiler must be serviced regularly. But when should you service your new boiler?

Our one off servicing deals mean that you can have your boiler running efficiently and more economically than ever before – saving you money and keeping your property warm and cosy. get a quote now

Here to help

All you have to do is give our friendly team a call or complete our online contact form. They’ll give you a fantastic price for your one off boiler service and arrange a time and a date that is suitable for you.

Why Is A One Off Boiler Service Important

You may be having no issues or problems with your central heating or your boiler at the moment, but that isn’t to say you won’t do in the future. The phrase “prevention is better than cure” is never truer when referring to these systems. Keeping them running efficiently and safely can prevent you getting some big repair bills down the line. It will also give you the peace of mind that everything is as it should be. You will also:

Reduce Your Energy Costs

running costs of a boiler

Do you know if your appliance is running at its maximum efficiency? No? Well if it isn’t, it could be costing you extra money every time you turn on the heating or use the hot water. A one-off service will ensure that your boiler is working as it should and not costing you any more money that you should be paying. In fact, in some circumstances a service can pay for itself in no time!

Ensure Your Insurance Is Valid

Various warranties and home insurance policies insist that your boiler is checked and serviced every year to ensure that it is safe to use. Our one-off service by a Gas Safe registered engineer should almost certainly meet these requirements.

Keep Your Family And Home Safe

Most importantly, having your appliance serviced regularly ensures that it is safe and that no carbon monoxide is leaking. Carbon monoxide can be a silent killer but with our service, we will ensure that it is working safely and as it should be.

What You Get

As well as a one-off, fixed cost, you will get a full service by one of our fully qualified, highly experienced and Gas Safe registered service engineers.

This will include:

  • A full and rigorous inspection of the appliance
  • Checks for any corrosion or leaks
  • Gas pressure check (if your boiler’s pressure is incorrect it can cause inefficiencies or even be dangerous)
  • Components check
  • Unsafe fumes (a full check of the flue to ensure that no unsafe fumes are escaping)
  • Clean (the engineer will clean any parts that need to be cleaned to ensure that they can operate safely and efficiently)
  • Seal check (once the checks have all been done, the casing will be put back and all seals checked).
  • Information about what the engineer has done as part of the service all written down for your convenience. You may need this for insurance purposes.

Turn to Warm today

Whether you are booking a yearly service, installation for a new appliance, or you need help arranging repair work, we have the answer. We get prices from Registered engineers with the skill and experience to complete the quality level of work you are looking for.

So, get in contact with Warm today to speak to one of our team. Alternatively, fill out our handy form to get your quotes.